Abierto plazo preinscripción a Máster online EDUCACIÓN Y TIC (MEDUTIC) 2015-16 Universidad de La Laguna

MeduTIC: Máster en Educación y TICAbierta la preinscripción para curso 2015-16 El plazo de presentación de solicitudes de preinscripción para el curso académico 2015 / 2016 comienza el 20 de mayo hasta 25 agosto y podrá acceder a la solicitud a través de este enlace. Documentación exigida para Acceso y Admisión…

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Informe UNESCO Education for All 2000-2015. Interesante análisis de la educación en el mundo

The 2015 Global Monitoring Report – Education for All 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges – provides a complete assessment of progress since 2000 towards the target date for reaching the Dakar Framework’s goals. It takes stock of whether the world achieved the EFA goals and stakeholders upheld their commitments. It explains…

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PISA 2012 results: The ABC of Gender Equality in Education: Aptitude, Behaviour, Confidence – OECD

The ABC of Gender Equality in Education: Aptitude, Behaviour, Confidence tries to determine why, in the 64 countries and economies covered, 15-year-old boys are more likely than girls, on average, to be overall low achievers, and why high-performing 15-year-old girls underachieve in mathematics, science and problem solving compared to high-achieving…

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