Global Curriculum Project: Implicadas 40 escuelas de distintos países

In the modern rapidly developing world undergoing global changes have a substantial impact on our daily lives and therefore make them more complex. Global Education is a holistic education concept which enables people to realize global issues and interdependences. Therefore, main focus is to develop discernment and orientation as well as to encourage critical reflection and discussion. Global Education attaches importance to practical experience and establishment of a variety of perspectives.

In the framework of the Global Curriculum Project we want to support schools and teachers to instruct in the sense of Global Education in different subjects. Moreover, we have an urge to encourage schools to raise the awareness of Global Education as a concept for their school development.

The Global Curriculum Project is an international pilot initiative which will simultaneously take place in 40 schools of the following countries: Austria, Benin, Brazil, Czech Republic and Great Britain.


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