Teacher Education in Finland

See on Scoop.it – educación líquida Finland is generally recognized as one of the world’s highest performing nations. Over the past decade, Finnish students have been high performers on the international PISA exams.     In Finnish schools, students never take a standardized test. How is their progress assessed? By their teachers.  …

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How Teachers Are Using Technology at Home and in Their Classrooms | Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project

See on Scoop.it – educación líquida A survey of teachers shows that digital tools are widely used in their classrooms and professional lives. Yet, many of these middle and high school teachers are hampered by disparities in student access to digital technologies. See on pewinternet.org

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Debate: ¿educación a distancia o sin distancia?

See on Scoop.it – educación líquida ¿Podemos hablar de educación a distancia, luego de la maduración que está experimentando la formación virtual, tras varios años de desarrollo y evolución? Con esta pregunta como premisa, consultamos a 26 especialistas iberoamericanos de México, Perú, Colombia, Estados Unidos, Argentina, España, Venezuela, Paraguay y…

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