Muy buen repositorio de recursos de investigación educativos abiertos denominado «OER KnowledgeCloud»

He encontrado este sitioweb, en inglés, que es un repositorio de informes, artículos, estudios e investigaciones en torno a los recursos educativos abiertos.

Es iniciativa de la UNESCO/COL Chair in OER at Athabasca University and the UNESCO Chair in OER at the Open University of the Netherlands

En su página inicial indican que los beneficios de este repositorio online son:

• Powerful and efficient state-of-the-art searchable database;
• Free access to research initiatives, data, and other information on all aspects of Open Educational Resources

• Dedicated storage and management of a vast array of digital and other resources with professional database administration;
• Up-to-date source on latest developments in the OER field;
• Assistance in building research capacity in the region with the use of Gap Analysis to identify research overlap and gaps

Origen: OER KnowledgeCloud

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