The Lack of Evidence-Based Practice–The Case of Classroom Technology (Part 2) @CubanLarry
Screen Time Study Finds Education Drop-Off
The Lack of Evidence-Based Practice: The Case of Classroom Technology (Part 1) @CubanLarry
Reinventar la escuela del S. XXI. Enseñar y aprender en la Red – YouTube
Videolección sobre el papel y transformaciones que debe asumir la escuela en el contexto de la sociedad digital. — Creative Commons: Reconocimiento – No Co… Source: See on – educación líquida
Monográfico «Escuelas 2.0 y modelos 1:1 implicaciones en las prácticas del profesorado con TIC» Interesante
Confessions of a Skeptic of Computers in Schools (Part 2) de @CubanLarry
Learning theories in online learning

Behaviorist Learning Theory is focused on learning that can be observed and therefore changed. When we design instruction by creating student learning objectives, we can think of them as behaviorist objectives; what stimuli will the instructor use… Source: See on – educación líquida