I’ve just come back from visiting two universities in central Canada and I have also been getting feedback from pilot institutions on the questionnaire we are developing for a survey of online learning in Canada. Although I do not want to anticipate the results of the survey, some things are already becoming clear, especially about blended learning.DefinitionFirst of course there is the question of definition. What actually is blended learning? It clearly means different things to different people. I have tried to describe it as on a continuum of educational delivery (see graphic below):From Chapter 9.1.2, Teaching in a Digital AgeFrom Chapter 9.1.2, Teaching in a Digital AgeBlended learning can be seen as nothing more than Powerpoint slides in a classroom lecture, extra homework online after a face-to-face class, a ‘flipped’ classroom where the lecture is recorded and available online, and the class time is used for discussion and questions about the video a totally re-designed course, where careful choices have been made about what is done online and what in class (hybrid).
Origen: Are you ready for blended learning? | Tony Bates