3 emerging technologies reimagining higher ed in 2015 and beyond

Are holographic professors and virtual reality campus tours getting closer to becoming reality?

From the make-up of student bodies to the way materials are delivered, higher ed is rapidly changing — and largely due to technology.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, that statement isn’t particularly shocking. Online learning has empowered non-traditional students, almost to the point that they’re the new «traditional,» and mobile devices have all but guaranteed the end of the textbook as we know it.

Technological disruption isn’t so bad, though. For as much as it impacts the traditional business model for institutions and corporations, it also improves access and cost issues for students while opening new paths to revenue for those wise enough to see them. To get an idea of what the future of higher ed might look like in 2015 and beyond, Education Dive examined three emerging technologies that could facilitate some of the space’s biggest shifts in years. And the future looks bright, indeed.

Source: www.educationdive.com

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