E-books: Histories, trajectories, futures | Widdersheim |

E-books: Histories, trajectories, futuresThis essay traces the historical trajectory of e-books in the U.S. and imagines their possible futures. Legal, economic, and technical developments that led to contemporary e-books reveal a tension between commercial and non-commercial programming. Commercial e-book designs control end uses, reduce production and distribution costs, stimulate consumption, and monitor user behaviors; however, alternative producers and users on the periphery continue to challenge these centralizing tendencies.


Technological stirrings of e-books
Pre-millennial U.S. publishing industry
Commercial strengths and weaknesses for online e-books
Managing digital rights
Deregulating new e-book markets
DMCA: Helping the invisible hand
1999 and the turning point for commercial E-books
E-books and hyper-commercialized reading
E-books and the student surveillance economy
Open access counter-imaginaries


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