Instructional Design Models And Theories: The Situated Cognition Theory And The Cognitive Apprenticeship Model

The Situated Cognition Theory is based upon principles related to the fields of anthropology, sociology and cognitive sciences. Its main argument is that all knowledge that a learner acquires is somehow situated within activities that are socially, physically or culturally-based. The Situation Cognition Theory mainly supports, that the acquisition of…

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Does Integrating Computers into Lessons Mean That Teaching Has Changed? de @CubanLarry

«For many years the rhetoric and substance of national reports written by bands of technologists eager to see electronic devices work their wonder on children and adults in schools have baffled me. In these national reports issued periodically by U.S. government sponsored agencies (e.g., Office of Technology Assessment, the National…

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Informe OECD/PISA – Estudiantes, computadores y aprendizaje: cómo conectarlos

Documento reciente de la OECD/PISA que enfatiza que en la medida en que los computadores e Internet continúen jugando un papel primordial en nuestras vidas personales y profesionales, los estudiantes que no han adquirido competencias básicas en lectura, escritura, matemáticas y navegación, dentro de un entorno digital, se quedarán al…

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